Friday 9 December 2011

Q magazine front cover analysis


Masthead - Q's masthead, similarly to it's magazine name is very simple however very effective. The use of, what I consider, a royal red and white perhaps connotes that it only features the 'best artists', the simplicity of it may always metaphorically show that it is straight to the point. In this particular issue it shows the slogan 'Q the music!' in small text underneath the magazine name, again, simple, clean and effective!

Main Image - The main image may criticise my statement above. Although no actual nudity has been shown, it perhaps provides a mature element to the magazine. The image itself is very 'glamorous', the use of the panthers connotes wealth and high status. The artist is wearing little but fashionable clothing - this appeals to the female audience because of the fashionable image, interest in the artist etc. Where as it may apply sex appeal to the artist which would appeal to a young to mature male audience. An off white/grey background has been used, along with that and the lack of bright colours may produce an idea of a bad reputation from the artist.

Colours and Text - This particular issue of Q magazine has stuck to four primary colours on the front cover: red, blue, black and white. This is effective because it gives the effect that the magazine is 'expensive'. There aren't too many colours and it doesn't look messy, this will attract an older audience.
A San Serif font has been used for the cover line of the magazine, which is in contrast to the serif font used on the masthead and most other text, once again this will attract an older, modern audience, there is a contemporary vibe. One particular thing on this front cover that draws the readers attention is the way in which the text 'wicked' has been filled in red - which in some cases connotes danger or evil.

I was unable to find any information directly from Q magazine about their main audience and their sales figures but instead searched a resource taken from google which just gives a small bit of information about the magazine and its features, I think that this once again help me with research etc.

Q continues to be the UK’s biggest selling music monthly with a circulation of 100,172. Its unrivalled access has allowed it into Bruce Springsteen's inner sanctum, Noel Gallagher's family secrets and U2's make-up box for world-beating exclusives has not only driven newsstand sales of the magazine, but provided complimentary content for Q’s digital offering -, Q TV and Q Radio.

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